Rainbow CSS

rainbow css is the css file that makes your life easier in html i think idk.

just a link in the header and your good to go!


you can download the css file over here and then use

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/rainbowcss.css">

or if you dont wanna download it just do

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://rainbowcss.vercel.app/rainbowcss.css">


you can use sections to section up chapters in a book

markup can be used to underline something important and you can also hover over it

this is a link without a href

this is a link with a href

h1 elements are rainbow like the navbar at the top!

but ever other h-number element is just black.

you can also use code to show small code snippets

and you can use the pre element to show big code snippets like the one below

and theres navbar elements so visitors of your website have something to click on when their bored.

        <li><a href="https://polyhedron.vercel.app">Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="https://testwebsite-nine.vercel.app">test website</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">another navbar thing</a></li>

Customisable Crazyness!

you can customise the hell out of this css file. you can go over here and make a fork of the repository so you can make your own theme! (i tried me best sectioning the css up into little chunks)

:root {
    --font: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
    --codeFont: 'monospace';

    --backgroundColour: white;
    --backgroundColourDark: #cacaca;
    --textColour: black;
    --textColourLight: #646464;

    --linkColor: #06f;
    --linkHoverColor: #0044cc80;
    --linkVisitedColor: #02c;

    --gradient: linear-gradient(to right top, #9900ff, #e900c2, #ff0082, #ff0047, #ff0000);
    --clip: text;
    --duration: 0.5s;
    --longDuration: 15s;

    --borderRadius: 5px;
    --borderWidth: 4px;
    --borderShadow: 0 0 10px #b9b9b9;

    --navPadding: 1.5em;
    --padding: 0.5em 1em;

    --margin: 1em 0;
    --centreMargin: 0 auto;

    --bodyWidth: 50em;


rainbow css was made by Polygon

inspiration from MystPi